Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Quality Time? Try Building Plastic Model Airplanes

It's sometimes hard to have some good quality time with your kids, especially when it doesn't involve a game console. If that's the case with you, it might be time to introduce them to the joy of assembling and painting plastic model airplanes. Besides the all important quality time we all want to have with our kids, assembling model plane kits requires your child to develop skills which they'll use throughout their life. Skills such as;

  • Planning and decision making (Do we follow the directions step by step or assemble and paint sections in our own order)
  • Patience (waiting for glues to set and paints to dry)
  • Hand/eye coordination (way beyond the button mashing hand eye coordination touted as a plus by video game companies)
  • Perseverance (Working Through the frustration of assembling a particularly intricate portion of the model)